May 2023 US Casualty Insurance Review
2023 Binding Authority Market Update
The 2023 property and casualty insurance market including personal lines continues to face significant challenges. Pricing appears to have moderated, becoming more predictable following a multi-year...
A short-term lapse in workers' compensation coverage can trigger long-term consequences. When insureds expose their employees to uncovered injuries, they expose themselves financial penalties, litigation...
Since deductibles are essentially a form of risk sharing, it is important to understand a client's risk tolerance. Workers' Compensation deductible plans offer benefits to both insureds and carriers, but...
Driver Impact On The Transportation Industry
According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, trucks move approximately 72% of the nation’s freight by tonnage and transportation makes up about 7.4% of the nation’s economy. Generating nearly...
What Are E-Mods and Why Do They Matter?
A business’s experience modification factor (E-Mod) directly impacts the premium they are charged for their workers’ compensation coverage. Insureds often inquire about this important rating factor when...
The COVID-19 Impact on Transportation
New challenges have arisen in the transportation industry originating from an increase in frequency and severity of losses for commercial trucking and conditions impacting the supply of drivers, vehicles...